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Comment installer Vbulletin ???


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pas tout a fait


y a des hebergeur qui autorise les script nulled


en plus presque tt les forum algerien utilise vbulletin sans licence ( j'en suis un )


voila :D

I guess, je ne vois pas un Algérien acheter la licence :D Mais trouver un hebergeur gratuit qui autorise les scripts piratés est plus dur j'imagine ..

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Voici un Bon Forum qui donne plus de détaille a l'installation de VB ...mais tu dois sans doute faire attention car les hébergeurs n'autorise pas des version Piraté ( machi kamel biensure ) mais je pense qu'avec PHPBB se sera miex bref voilà le lien :

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  • 2 weeks later...



|| #################################################################### ||

|| # vBulletin 3.7.3

|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||

|| # All PHP code in this file is ©2000-2008 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. # ||

|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||

|| # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||

|| # | # ||

|| #################################################################### ||






| If you get any errors while attempting to connect to |

| MySQL, you will need to email your webhost because we |

| cannot tell you the correct values for the variables |

| in this file. |



// ****** DATABASE TYPE ******

// This is the type of the database server on which your vBulletin database will be located.

// Valid options are mysql and mysqli, for slave support add _slave. Try to use mysqli if you are using PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1+

// for slave options just append _slave to your preferred database type.

$config['Database']['dbtype'] = 'mysql';


// ****** DATABASE NAME ******

// This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.

// This must be created by your webhost.

$config['Database']['dbname'] = '';


// ****** TABLE PREFIX ******

// Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database.

$config['Database']['tableprefix'] = '';



// If any database errors occur, they will be emailed to the address specified here.

// Leave this blank to not send any emails when there is a database error.

$config['Database']['technicalemail'] = '';


// ****** FORCE EMPTY SQL MODE ******

// New versions of MySQL (4.1+) have introduced some behaviors that are

// incompatible with vBulletin. Setting this value to "true" disables those

// behaviors. You only need to modify this value if vBulletin recommends it.

$config['Database']['force_sql_mode'] = false;





// This is the hostname or IP address and port of the database server.

// If you are unsure of what to put here, leave the default values.

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';

$config['MasterServer']['port'] = 3306;



// This is the username and password you use to access MySQL.

// These must be obtained through your webhost.

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = '';

$config['MasterServer']['password'] = '';



// This option allows you to turn persistent connections to MySQL on or off.

// The difference in performance is negligible for all but the largest boards.

// If you are unsure what this should be, leave it off. (0 = off; 1 = on)

$config['MasterServer']['usepconnect'] = 0;





// If you have multiple database backends, this is the information for your slave

// server. If you are not 100% sure you need to fill in this information,

// do not change any of the values here.

$config['SlaveServer']['servername'] = '';

$config['SlaveServer']['port'] = 3306;

$config['SlaveServer']['username'] = '';

$config['SlaveServer']['password'] = '';

$config['SlaveServer']['usepconnect'] = 0;





// This setting allows you to change the name of the folders that the admin and

// moderator control panels reside in. You may wish to do this for security purposes.

// Please note that if you change the name of the directory here, you will still need

// to manually change the name of the directory on the server.

$config['Misc']['admincpdir'] = 'admincp';

$config['Misc']['modcpdir'] = 'modcp';


// Prefix that all vBulletin cookies will have

// Keep this short and only use numbers and letters, i.e. 1-9 and a-Z

$config['Misc']['cookieprefix'] = 'bb';



// On a few systems it may be necessary to input the full path to your forums directory

// for vBulletin to function normally. You can ignore this setting unless vBulletin

// tells you to fill this in. Do not include a trailing slash!

// Example Unix:

// $config['Misc']['forumpath'] = '/home/users/public_html/forums';

// Example Win32:

// $config['Misc']['forumpath'] = 'c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\vb3';

$config['Misc']['forumpath'] = '';


// ****** COOKIE SECURITY HASH ******

// This option allows you to encode cookie.

// You may use any latin and/or any other alphanumeric symbols.

// Leave this blank to use the default value.

// Note: if you change this all users will be logout.

$config['Misc']['cookie_security_hash'] = '';




// The users specified here will be allowed to view the admin log in the control panel.

// Users must be specified by *ID number* here. To obtain a user's ID number,

// view their profile via the control panel. If this is a new installation, leave

// the first user created will have a user ID of 1. Seperate each userid with a comma.

$config['SpecialUsers']['canviewadminlog'] = '1';



// The users specified here will be allowed to remove ("prune") entries from the admin

// log. See the above entry for more information on the format.

$config['SpecialUsers']['canpruneadminlog'] = '1';



// The users specified here will be allowed to run queries from the control panel.

// See the above entries for more information on the format.

// Please note that the ability to run queries is quite powerful. You may wish

// to remove all user IDs from this list for security reasons.

$config['SpecialUsers']['canrunqueries'] = '';



// The users specified here will not be deletable or alterable from the control panel by any users.

// To specify more than one user, separate userids with commas.

$config['SpecialUsers']['undeletableusers'] = '';



// The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions

// page, which controls the permissions of other administrators

$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1';



// Here you can configure different methods for caching datastore items.

// vB_Datastore_Filecache - to use includes/datastore/datastore_cache.php

// vB_Datastore_APC - to use APC

// vB_Datastore_XCache - to use XCache

// vB_Datastore_Memcached - to use a Memcache server, more configuration below

// $config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Filecache';


// ******** DATASTORE PREFIX ******

// If you are using a PHP Caching system (APC, XCache, eAccelerator) with more

// than one set of forums installed on your host, you *may* need to use a prefix

// so that they do not try to use the same variable within the cache.

// This works in a similar manner to the database table prefix.

// $config['Datastore']['prefix'] = '';


// It is also necessary to specify the hostname or IP address and the port the server is listening on


$config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Memcached';

$i = 0;

// First Server


$config['Misc']['memcacheserver'][$i] = '';

$config['Misc']['memcacheport'][$i] = 11211;

$config['Misc']['memcachepersistent'][$i] = true;

$config['Misc']['memcacheweight'][$i] = 1;

$config['Misc']['memcachetimeout'][$i] = 1;

$config['Misc']['memcacheretry_interval'][$i] = 15;



// ****** The following options are only needed in special cases ******


// ****** MySQLI OPTIONS *****

// When using MySQL 4.1+, MySQLi should be used to connect to the database.

// If you need to set the default connection charset because your database

// is using a charset other than latin1, you can set the charset here.

// If you don't set the charset to be the same as your database, you

// may receive collation errors. Ignore this setting unless you

// are sure you need to use it.

// $config['Mysqli']['charset'] = 'utf8';


// Optionally, PHP can be instructed to set connection parameters by reading from the

// file named in 'ini_file'. Please use a full path to the file.

// Example:

// $config['Mysqli']['ini_file'] = 'c:\program files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\my.ini';

$config['Mysqli']['ini_file'] = '';


// Image Processing Options

// Images that exceed either dimension below will not be resized by vBulletin. If you need to resize larger images, alter these settings.

$config['Misc']['maxwidth'] = 2592;

$config['Misc']['maxheight'] = 1944;



|| ####################################################################

|| # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 26534 $

|| ####################################################################






alors ??????? comment en fait ????

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je pense que si tu aurai pris 5 minute de ton temps a lire ce qu'il y a dedans tu aurai compris facilement ! je te conseille de lire bien et Configuré



// This is the hostname or IP address and port of the database server.

// If you are unsure of what to put here, leave the default values.

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'IP address de ton db server';

$config['MasterServer']['port'] = 3306;



// This is the username and password you use to access MySQL.

// These must be obtained through your webhost.

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'TON USER NAME DE DB';

$config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'PASSWORD';


// ****** DATABASE NAME ******

// This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.

// This must be created by your webhost.

$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'Nom de la db';


j'ai pas installer des forum vbulletin avant mais a premier vu c'est sa le problème .

par contre c'est bizar que vBulletin on pas un script d'installation o.o

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    • Utilitaire de vérification des performances d'une carte réseau en  local Ceci est un contenu masqué, merci de Se connecter ou S’inscrire    
    • Si c'est en utilisant un vieux PC comme dans la vidéo , Il y'a aussi une plus simple solution  sans rien installer juste en utilisant cette invite de commande de Windows en tant qu'Administrateur sur un pc on peut activer un hostpot wifi caché : Pour créer le point d'accès, utilisez cette commande DOS : Il faut d'abords vérifier si la carte réseau est compatible hostpot ,taper: netsh wlan show drivers Cela donne  les informations sur la carte réseau et indique si elle supporte la fonction hostpot. Dans  le cas affirmatif ca va afficher ceci : Hosted hospot supported: yes ou oui Ensuite crée le hostpot: netsh wlan set hostnetwork mode=allow ssid=NETWORK key=password où NETWORK  le nom du réseau Wifi à créer (modifiable)  et password  sera la clé Wifi (modifiable) Pour démarrer le hotspot, utilisez cette commande : netsh wlan start hostnetwork Pour arrêter le hotspot, utilisez cette commande : netsh wlan stop hostnetwork Et pour faciliter l’arrêt et le démarrage il faut créer 2 raccourcis .bat sur le bureau.
    • le ping a connsiderablment augmenté depuis quelques temps de 15ms a 40ms sur madrid de 39ms a 55ms sur frankfort sur paris et marseille ca n'a pas bougé
    • Je suis curieux de savoir pourquoi tu veux les contacter si tu ne ressent aucun problème et que tout fonctionne correctement ? Tu as essayé de souffler sur les connectiques fibre et de nettoyer les connectiques chez toi (attention à ne pas le mettre directement en face des yeux !). J'ai des doutes que tes problemes de débits viennent de la ! je pense plus à un soucis de configuration.
    • bonjour les amis donc vous confirmez un signal à - 31,54 dbm c'est pas bon !! .. que se soit avec abo 100 , 200 ou 300 c'est la meme chose , parceque avec mon abo actuel à 100 je vois pas (ou ressent pas) quoi que se soit avec mon signal de 31 dbm c'est juste pour savoir quoi leur dire , pour mieux etre armé ! merci
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