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5% des prostituées sont séropositives

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Invité salimdz

5% des prostituées sont séropositives





Une étude établie par les services du ministère de la santé et de la population entre 2005 et 2007 fait ressortir que 5% des prostituées en Algérie sont séropositives, donc porteuses du virus HIV.

La plupart de ces personnes se concentrent dans la région ouest du pays, la wilaya de Tiaret arrive en tête avec 20%, suivie des wilayas de l’extrême sud. L’étude tire la sonnette d’alarme au sujet de la prostitution qui contribue à la propagation de ce virus.


Le rapport préparé dans le cadre de l’engagement de l’Algérie dans le programme onusien de lutte contre le Sida souligne une régression ces dernières années du taux de la population atteinte du syndrome de l’immunodéficience acquise. Selon le document, 7,1% des séropositives dans le milieu de la prostitution se localisent dans la wilaya d’Oran.


La propagation du virus prend des proportions alarmantes et les chiffres sont contradictoires


Les pouvoirs publics ont révélé que la maladie apparue en 1985 a atteint 282 personnes, alors que d’après les dernières statistiques officielles, 767sont malades et 2092 sont séropositives. Durant l’année 2007, 40 nouveaux cas ont été enregistrés ainsi que 184 porteurs du virus


source :



ستون ألف شخص بين مصاب وحامل لفيروس السيدا

2008.08.10 thumbnail.php?file=sid_778120461.jpg&size=article_medium

أكدت دراسة أعدتها مصالح وزارة الصحة والسكان بين سنوات 2005 و2007 أن 5 بالمائة من بائعات الهوى في الجزائر يحملن فيروس فقدان المناعة ترتكز أغلبهن بمنطقة الغرب الجزائري


وتأتي ولاية تيارت في مقدمة المصابات في وسط العاهرات بداء السيدا بنسبة 20 بالمائة، تليها ولايات أقصى الجنوب، وحذرت الدراسة من تفاقم ظاهرة الفسق التي قد تساهم في تفاقم الداء.


وأشار التقرير، الذي أعد في إطار التزامات الجزائر لبرنامج منظمة الأمم المتحدة في مكافحة السيدا، إلى تراجع نسبة المصابين بداء فقدان المناعة بين أوساط المواطنين خلال السنوات الأخيرة.


ووفق هذه الدراسة، فإن 7.1 بالمائة من المصابين بفيروس فقدان المناعة في وسط بائعات الهوى نجده بولاية وهران. وبعد أن كانت تمنراست تتصدر قائمة الولايات من حيث عدد حاملي الفيروس بأكثر من 9 بالمائة تراجعت النسبة إلى 7 بالمائة بعد حملات التحسيس التي قامت بها السلطات العمومية بهذه المنطقة التي يقصدها أشخاص من جنسيات إفريقية مختلفة.

كما أشارت الدراسة إلى أن العلاقات الجنسية في الجزائر أصبحت محمية بنسبة 61 بالمائة، وهو ما يشكل تقدما نوعيا من حيث التحسيس بالأمراض المتنقلة عن طريق الاتصالات الجنسية، إلا أن تعاطي المخدرات عن طريق الإبر أصبح يشكل هاجسا كبيرا للمصالح الطبية التي تحذر دوما متعاطي المخدرات من عواقب هذه الظاهرة.


أرقام متضاربة وانتشار الفيروس يأخذ أبعادا خطيرة

وكشفت السلطات العمومية أن الداء الذي ظهر 1985، قد أحصى إصابة 282 شخص، فيما تم -حسب آخر الإحصائيات الرسمية - تسجيل 767 مصاب بالمرض و2092 حامل للفيروس، وخلال سنة 2007 أحصيت 40 حالة جديدة و184 حامل للفيروس..

وعن الهيئة الوطنية لترقية الصحة وتطوير البحث، يمثل الأطفال نسبة 2 % من مجموع الحالات المسجلة، فمنذ 1985 تم تسجيل 53 طفلا مصابا بالداء توفي منهم 33، نتيجة تحطم خلايا الجسم أكثر من الشخص الكبير، حيث يتوفى أغلبهم بعد سنتين أو ثلاث من ولادتهم، فـ 50٪ منهم يودّعون الحياة قبل 5 سنوات، فيما يوجد حوالي 20 طفلا حاملا لفيروس السيدا. كما قدرت نسبة النساء الحوامل المصابات ما بين 0.2 و0.5 % من الحالات المسجلة، نتج عنها أن معظم حالات الأطفال المسجلة ناجمة عن انتقال المرض من الأم إلى الجنين أثناء الحمل.

من جانب آخر، تشير تقديرات منظمة الصحة العالمية إلى احتمال وجود ما بين 3 آلاف إلى 59 ألف شخص بين مصاب وحامل لفيروس السيدا في الجزائر، وحددت جهات أخرى نسبة 0.01 % من إجمالي عدد السكان والذين تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين 15 إلى 45 سنة. ويبقى الرقم الرسمي بعيدا جدا عن الحقيقة، بسبب امتناع الأشخاص عن التوجه إلى مراكز الكشف رغم سر ومجانية خدماتها.

وتضم الجزائر 7 مراكز متوفرة للكشف السري والمجاني عن داء السيدا منتشرة عبر عدد من ولايات الوطن منها مركز عنابة، تمنراست، وهران، مركزي الجزائر العاصمة مستشفى القطار والمستشفى العسكري لعين النعجة. إضافة إلى تحمل الوزارة قرار إنشاء 42 مركزا آخر حتى تكون التغطية شاملة لكل ولايات الوطن. وهو ما يضمن الكشف المبكر عن الداء. أما عن الأدوية الخاصة بداء السيدا توفر الجهة الوصية أكثر من 32 دواء مسجلا على مستوى الوزارة تدخل كلها في إطار التكفل بمرضى الإيدز.


Modifié par salimdz
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iMuslim, les bons musulmans ne provoquent PAS !! :rolleyes:

les prostitués il leurs est impossible de les trouver, j'imagine mal ceux d'AnisS questionner toutes les femmes dehors "êtes vous une prostituée ??" donc...

en plus le truc qu'ils ont fait au lycée c'etait de la prévention, alors que les "prostituuée" c'est des adultes, des "PROS" ...:mad:

PS: c'est qi les "likes" ?? (les bons musulmans sont francs, ils n'insinuent pas :rolleyes: )

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    • n today's digital era, online transactions have become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it's shopping, paying bills, or subscribing to services, the convenience of making payments online is undeniable. However, with the rise in online transactions comes the risk of exposing sensitive financial information to potential threats such as hackers and identity thieves. This is where Virtual Credit Cards (VCCs) with balance come into play. Introduction to Virtual Credit Cards (VCCs) Virtual Credit Cards, or VCCs, are digital representations of traditional credit or debit cards. Unlike physical cards, VCCs exist purely in electronic form and are typically used for online transactions. They provide a layer of security by allowing users to generate temporary card numbers that are linked to their actual credit or debit card accounts. Understanding VCC with Balance A VCC with balance refers to a virtual credit card that comes pre-loaded with a certain amount of funds. This balance can be used to make online purchases just like a regular credit card. The primary difference lies in the virtual nature of the card, offering added security and anonymity to the user. Advantages of VCC with Balance Convenience and security: Users can make online payments without disclosing their actual credit/debit card details, reducing the risk of fraud and identity theft. Flexibility in online payments: VCCs with balance can be used across various online platforms and websites, providing a seamless payment experience. Anonymity in transactions: Since VCCs are not tied to a user's personal banking information, transactions remain anonymous, offering privacy and discretion. Why Buy VCC with Balance? The decision to buy a VCC with balance stems from the need for enhanced security and convenience in online transactions. Convenience and Security With cyber threats on the rise, protecting sensitive financial information is paramount. By using a VCC with balance, users can safeguard their personal credit/debit card details while still enjoying the convenience of online shopping. Flexibility in Online Payments VCCs with balance can be used across a wide range of online platforms, including e-commerce websites, subscription services, and online gaming platforms. This versatility makes them an ideal choice for users who frequently engage in online transactions. Anonymity in Transactions In an age where privacy is increasingly valued, VCCs offer users the ability to conduct transactions anonymously. By using a virtual credit card with a pre-loaded balance, users can protect their identity and financial information from prying eyes. Where to Buy VCC with Balance When it comes to purchasing a VCC with balance, it's essential to choose a reliable source or platform to ensure the legitimacy and security of the transaction. Reliable Sources and Platforms There are numerous online platforms and vendors that offer VCCs with balance. It's crucial to research and select a reputable provider with a track record of delivering quality virtual credit cards. Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Before buying a VCC with balance, consider factors such as the reputation of the seller, customer reviews, and the terms and conditions associated with the virtual credit card. Additionally, verify the security measures implemented by the provider to protect users' financial information. How to Choose the Right VCC with Balance With countless options available, choosing the right VCC with balance can be overwhelming. Here are some key features to look for when selecting a virtual credit card: Features to Look For Security measures: Ensure that the VCC provider implements robust security measures to protect users' personal and financial information. Compatibility: Check whether the VCC is accepted on the platforms or websites where you intend to use it. Customer support: Opt for a provider that offers reliable customer support in case of any issues or inquiries. Cost and fees: Consider the fees associated with purchasing and using the VCC, including loading fees and transaction fees. Avoiding Scams and Fraudulent Sellers Be wary of sellers offering VCCs with unrealistic benefits or excessively low prices. It's essential to conduct thorough research and verify the legitimacy of the provider before making a purchase to avoid falling victim to scams or fraudulent activities. Steps to Buy VCC with Balance The process of buying a VCC with balance typically involves the following steps: Registration Process Sign up for an account with a reputable VCC provider. Complete the registration process by providing necessary personal information and verifying your identity. Loading Balance onto the VCC Once registered, fund your VCC by transferring funds from your bank account or using alternative payment methods such as cryptocurrency. Your VCC is now ready to be used for online transactions. Using VCC with Balance Safely While VCCs offer enhanced security compared to traditional credit/debit cards, it's essential to take precautions to ensure safe and secure transactions. Tips for Secure Transactions Keep personal information private: Avoid sharing sensitive information such as your VCC number, expiration date, and CVV code with anyone. Monitor transactions: Regularly review your transaction history to detect any unauthorized or suspicious activity. Use secure networks: When making online purchases, ensure that you're connected to a secure and encrypted network to prevent interception of sensitive data. Protecting Personal Information Be cautious when entering your VCC details on unfamiliar or unsecured websites. Look for HTTPS encryption and other security indicators to ensure that your information is protected during online transactions. Benefits of Using VCC with Balance The use of VCCs with balance offers several benefits, including: Avoiding exposure of personal credit/debit card details: By using a VCC with balance, users can protect their primary credit/debit card information from potential threats. Preventing unauthorized transactions: VCCs with balance require authorization for each transaction, reducing the risk of unauthorized or fraudulent charges. Potential Risks and Challenges While VCCs with balance provide enhanced security and convenience, they are not without risks. Some potential risks and challenges include: Possibility of scams: Users should be vigilant and cautious when purchasing VCCs from unknown or unverified sources to avoid falling victim to scams or fraudulent activities. Limited acceptance in certain platforms: While VCCs are widely accepted across many online platforms, there may be instances where certain websites or merchants do not support virtual credit card payments. Legal Aspects and Regulations Before purchasing and using a VCC with balance, it's essential to understand the legal aspects and regulations governing virtual credit cards in your jurisdiction. Compliance with Local Laws Ensure that your use of VCCs with balance complies with local laws and regulations regarding online transactions and financial services. Ensuring Legitimacy of VCC Providers Verify the legitimacy of the VCC provider and ensure that they operate in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to avoid legal complications. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What is a VCC? A VCC, or Virtual Credit Card, is a digital representation of a traditional credit or debit card that can be used for online transactions. How does a VCC with balance work? A VCC with balance comes pre-loaded with a certain amount of funds, allowing users to make online purchases without using their primary credit/debit card details. Is it legal to buy VCC with balance? The legality of buying VCCs with balance depends on the laws and regulations governing online transactions in your jurisdiction. It's essential to ensure compliance with applicable laws before purchasing and using a VCC. Can I use a VCC with balance internationally? In most cases, yes. VCCs with balance can typically be used for international transactions, provided that the issuing bank or provider allows for international usage. How do I ensure the security of my VCC with balance? To ensure the security of your VCC with balance, avoid sharing sensitive information, use secure networks for online transactions, and monitor your transaction history regularly for any unauthorized activity. Conclusion In conclusion, purchasing a VCC with balance offers a convenient and secure way to make online transactions while protecting sensitive financial information. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, users can enjoy the benefits of virtual credit cards while minimizing the risks associated with online payments.
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