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Nouvelles images OpenPLi 4.0 avec 700 chaines IPTV pour DM800HD, DM800HDse, DM500HD,.


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Nouvelles images OpenPLi 4.0 avec 700 chaines IPTV pour DM800HD, DM800HDse, DM500HD, DM8000HD.




Liens pour :


- DM800HD : http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2294#Post2294

- DM800HDse : http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1940#Post1940

- DM500HD : http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1938#Post1938

- DM8000HD : http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1939#Post1939




Merci Japhar Team pour cette superbe image, et un IPTV nickel (changement de chaines en 3 secondes en IPTV, et auto-adaptation du flux au meilleur rendement/qualité en fonction de votre ligne internet !)



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  • 1 month later...

- Gstreamer 1.6.x has been updated

- Newer gstreamer 1.6.x master git snapshot:

They've pretty much reworked HLS (m3u8) handling completely.

There should be no more jumps when switching bitrates.

- DTS Downmix should now be working on the dm800se, dm500hd and dm8000.

Also pausing the video should work now (untested).

- Fragmented streams work now (m3u8)

- Remote control delay is now set by default to 300ms

- Feeds online for online update of image and future updates/fixes if necessary.

- Improved streaming performance in both the dvbmediasink and enigma2, Dreambox fixes for the dvbmediasink:

Framerate and resolution should now be handled correctly.

- Fragmented streams should now play more smooth and give less freezes due to async changes.

- IPTV List and JAM 5.2 Panel are now pre-shipped.

- Japhar Addon Manager 5.2 included.

- IPTV List built-in with 800+ IPTV FREE Channels.







- DM800HD : https://mega.nz/#!1BFBHJiQ!Y3OBOTtf4oerePSxbBlIKAw8nkTE8k3AQqweQwcW7RQ



- DM800HDse : https://mega.nz/#!BJcA2ZgJ!cUYHK6RCnwisa5ygrDZfauXVlJlWxi4KULjojgP9GgI



- DM500HD : https://mega.nz/#!RZ1FiArQ!qO6MS-72ZkLPN4LU_UzrgaOrMs7VyvLe_0oONMw48vI



- DM8000HD : https://mega.nz/#!EY13zT4Z!8z0HFTcistm650DJy3AA3yzYtjB8Hg5wpBTsX_GPQ_s

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VU : OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV (More than 800+ IPTV FREE Channels) by MastaG and Japhar Team



Users running the previous Gstreamer 1.7.0 image, should be able to peform a Software Update!



Changes since previous release:



- mx3L's gstreamer revert which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations

- Spark drivers updated to 20151113

- Using aio-grab from oe-alliance which includes fixes for sprak receivers

- New Japhar IPTV List (thanks to ToySoft).

- DM8000 has no more gsod's now (thanks to ToySoft for testing!)



Changes compared to openpli-oe-core gst-1:



- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:

Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1 with only these changes:

Removed: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch

because this patch was already checked in upstream.

Added: 0001-Revert-qtdemux-respect-qt-segments-in-push-mode-for-.patch

By mx3L which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations.

- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.

- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.

- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).

These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.

- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).

- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).

- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.

- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by christophecvr.

- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:

added si2166b blindscan support

- Spark images includes the pti.ko from OpenATV so softcam's should work now.

- Using aio-grab source from oe-alliance which includes fixes for spark receivers.

- The 2.6.18 kernel will now always pass the vermagic check when loading modules.

Now you can try and load any kernel driver from OE1.5 to 2.0.



Known issues:



- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.

- On spark/spark7162 you need to set 'boxtype = dreambox' for oscam dvbapi.

We're using the OE-A drivers and 'duckbox' doesn't seem to work on these.

- On spark/spark7162 you need to set a skin which doesn't resize the framebuffer.

Because sometimes it doesn't scale back to fullscreen.

I've included the MX-HQ7 skin for use as workaround.

- On Zgemma Star you cannot use fullHD skins.

This is a hardware/driver limitation.

Please don't try it, it will crash enigma2.

- Some Dreambox remotes behave very sensitive.

This causes button presses to register multiple times instead of just once.

As a workaround you can adjust the key interval:

Go to: Menu - System - Input devices - dreambox remote control (native).

Set "Change repeat and delay settings" to yes

Set "Interval between keys when repeating:" to 200ms or 300ms.

Press green button (OK)

Now set the same delay for: "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" as well.



To find the download link, search for MastaG Japhar OpenPLi 4.0



Enjoy !

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  • 4 months later...

OpenPLi 4.0 IPTV GStreamer 1.8.0 by MastaG (v16)







- Gstreamer 1.8.0 stable release

- New PLi spring logo

- Upgrade OpenVPN to 2.3.8

- Upgrade OpenSSH to 7.1p2

- Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.2g

- Patched and bumped Python due to OpenSSL not supporting SSLv3 anymore

- Upgrade Japhar-IPTV list to 1.6

- Upgrade rtmpdump from oe-alliance and let it provide librtmp as well

- Upgrade ffmpeg to 3.0.1

- Patch for dvbmediasink from mx3L for writing PTS on every PES header

This could possible fix some m3u8 streams freezing

- Removed the patch for dvbmediasink which should fix seeking in some mp4 streams

Since I couldn't reproduce the problem

- Rewrote Dreambox kernel recipes which should fix certain models not booting

- Fixed CrossEPG

- Fixed very large Packages.gz on the server

- Merged latest openpli-oe-core changes

- Merged latest OpenPLi enigma2 changes

- Upgrade oscam to rev 11225 and applied joeuser's latest tryfix oscam-emu patch

Emulating PowerVU should now work for multiple pids

- Lots of stuff I forgot...



DM800HD+ : https://mega.nz/#!sU13mAxI!J0Av9B6D7rDUqZ51x8updgSleuViiv3cMRAsDyANDWY

DM500HD+ : https://mega.nz/#!NR0hHKhT!fX5cI-pgR3t25JXxhQenUmPRqA6PCkxX59yZW9wVG4o

DM800HDse+ : https://mega.nz/#!MENwRaDb!AsZrkisSZa0ewrbz13BzZbsVfuXBhxNqWFWFnzz0gLA

DM8000HD+ : https://mega.nz/#!cZcWyBzL!wQiPAfzzLwwLHngU0-2qXmlr7o4y99Togml5GgiOM54

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