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Text 5 - just verify me, please!


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Someone, verify my translation, please! And complete it, where it's necessary. Thanks.






At the market place



Today it's Thursday. Mohamed is not going to the school. Mohamed and his little brother are playing in the yard. His mother went out and said to him:

- Today ***** [ ma takhdam-sh] ("you don't work" ?) , Mohamed. My dear (or: "you are my dear" ?), go to the market and buy me vegetables!

Mohamed said to his mother:

- It's my pleasure, mom, I'm going to the market!

At the market Mohamed started looking at the vegetables shown ("matruha" ???) on the earth. There were big and nice peppers. He said to the seller:

- How much is kg ?

The seller said to him:

- Ten coins!

Mohamed started thinking, then he said to the seller:

- Do you weigh me 2 kg with 9 coins / kg ?

The owner of the peppers started weighing and putting peppers into the coffin. Then Mohamed said to the man:

- I'm not paying you. My father will pay you tomorrow!

- Who is your father ?

- My father is mister ("si" ??) Abd-Allah, the owner of the big house.

- Ok, I know him. You can go to your home in peace!

Modifié par mariu5
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Very good !!





At the market place



Today it's Thursday. Mohamed is not going to the school. Mohamed and his little brother are playing in the yard. His mother went out and said to him:

- Today you don't work ? , Mohamed you are my dear, go to the market and buy me vegetables!

Mohamed said to his mother:

- It's my pleasure, mom, I'm going to the market!

At the market Mohamed started looking at the vegetables shown on the earth. There were big and nice peppers. He said to the seller:

- How much is kg ?

The seller said to him:

- Ten coins!

Mohamed started thinking, then he said to the seller:

- Do you weigh me 2 kg with 9 coins / kg ?

The owner of the peppers started weighing and putting peppers into the coffin. Then Mohamed said to the man:

- I'm not paying you. My father will pay you tomorrow!

- Who is your father ?

- My father is mister Abd-Allah, the owner of the big house.

- Ok, I know him. You can go to your home in peace!


Ps: Le kilo de piment est à 10 centimes, mais comme même il accepte de lui vendre 2 kg pour 9 centimes, bizarre ????

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