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OMG ! Mauvaise nouvelle !


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Urgent !

As we learned from sources in Libya yesterday, not far from the Algerian-Libyan border a Shinook transport helicopter had been shot down

According to some reports, the on board men were sent to the border to take control of the checkpoints. Earlier it was reported that the army of Algeria following the departure of the forces loyal to al-Gaddafi, took them under his control.

Meanwhile, British military expert, Peter Beynchli told "Argumentam.ru" his version of what happened. According to him, «Chinook was carrying employees of a private American military companies, along with instructors from the Central Intelligence Agency." "This company specializes in the "dirty work" for the CIA in Africa. Their goal was to eliminate Qaddafi family members who are currently in Algiers ".

The expert has suggested, referring to unofficial information from the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain "the helicopter, despite the hard landing, most of the passengers survived and are now questioned by secret services. Most likely the Algerian Special Security Service (Service de la securite speciale "SSS" )


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la traduction est vraiment mauvaise, j'arrive pas à comprendre si l'avion a été abbatu ou s'il est tombé c'est confu.

L'avion a été abattue, il est pas tombé, mais la plupart des passagers ont survécu.


Quoi l'algérie a tiré sur un chinook de la CIA et a capturé les agents de la CIA qui était a bord? c'est vrai?

Je ne pense pas? parceque si c'est vrai on aura une armada des yankees qui va débarquer pour libérer les leurs


Si c'est le cas, pas besoin qu'ils débarquent ici, ils libèreront les leurs par quelques coups de téléphone

Edited by Fisher
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