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Qui joue à Cityville ?


J'y joue depuis une 10aine de jours, ce jeu est prenant et marrant mais vite stressant car on arrive vite en manque d’énergie, de marchandises et surtout le quota d'envoie et de réception de cadeaux est vite dépassé ! :(


Avez vous des astuces ou explications à partager ?


répondez ici afin de se rajouter des voisins joueurs ! :)

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For a while it seemed, at least to me, that facebook games would be the next big thing in casual gaming. Games like Farmville, Cityville, Bejeweled clones and so on, were absolutely massive on facebook, and it was easy to play and share games with friends on the website. Meaning that people have not really been hooked. With the massive userbase that FB has it seems that you have not caught it. Kodi Lucky Patcher nox

Why is this? Did FB intentionally branch away from it or did people just move onto playing games on their phones instead? Gold is completely wrong and gaming on FB is massive but it is not enough.

Edited by kawkakw12
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