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détaxe en france


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quand vous acheter votre produit (chez la FNAC par exemple), vous lui demandez de vous donner les papiers de la détaxe, le vendeur vas vous demander votre passport vous le lui donner pour remplir le formulaire

une fois à l'aeroport, vous vous présentez à la douane avec le matériel acheté et les papiers en question (aller très tot à l'aeroport des fois cette procedure prend du temps quand y a bp de gens qui le font,

l'agent de la douane verifie le materiel acheté et les papiers et met le cachet, une fois le cachet sur les papier vous pouvez vous présenter dans un bureau de change pour récupérer ton argent

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quand vous acheter votre produit (chez la FNAC par exemple), vous lui demandez de vous donner les papiers de la détaxe, le vendeur vas vous demander votre passport vous le lui donner pour remplir le formulaire

une fois à l'aeroport, vous vous présentez à la douane avec le matériel acheté et les papiers en question (aller très tot à l'aeroport des fois cette procedure prend du temps quand y a bp de gens qui le font,

l'agent de la douane verifie le materiel acheté et les papiers et met le cachet, une fois le cachet sur les papier vous pouvez vous présenter dans un bureau de change pour récupérer ton argent


il y a deux façon, soit au bureau à l’aéroport, l’inconvénient est qu'il prend plus de frais, donc moins de remboursement de la TVA, ou bien attendre un autre voyage et tu le fais directement au magasin où tu as acheté, il entre 5% et 7% de différence.

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il y a deux façon, soit au bureau à l’aéroport, l’inconvénient est qu'il prend plus de frais, donc moins de remboursement de la TVA, ou bien attendre un autre voyage et tu le fais directement au magasin où tu as acheté, il entre 5% et 7% de différence.


ah ça je le savais pas qu'on pouvait se faire rembourser au niveau du magasin

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ça doit dépendre de la sorte d’électronique et peut-être aussi du magasin, j'avais acheté du matériel audio plus précisément.




cela dépend des magasins, car la différence, est la marge qu'ils prennent pour cette opération.


car c'est pas le magasin qui te rembourse, mais l'état.

le magasin t'avance le remboursement, et il demande de à l'état de lui reverser la TVA remboursé, mais comme en finance, tout avance = frais financier, donc le magasin récupère ces frais.

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  • 1 month later...
salut ça sert a quoi au juste la carte global blue :)


C'est le concurent de Travelex , yen a presque partout , auchant , carrefour etc aeroport


par exemple avant d'aller en france , je me suis inscris sur le site global blue ( nom , prenom , passeport , carte debit jai mis ma neteller comme ca les detaxe va direct sur ma mastercard) , j'ai recu ma carte 12 jours apres , apres j'ai voyagé


Je suis aller a carrefour , j'ai acheté ma Ps4 , jai payé , jai recu mon ticket apres je suis aller chez des hotesse specialisé dans la detaxe et service apres vente , jai donné le ticket ma carte mon passport , ca a duré 5 minutes et c tt :)


SI ta pas de carte global blue , ils te donnent uen feuille volante , tu vas a l'aeroport CDG , tu la montre a la douane ils te maitent le cachet , apres tu passes la feuille sur des bornes a lecteur optoque ( perso je l'ai pas fé lol ) , je suis rentré en Algerie , je leur ai envoyé par EMS , apres 15 jours j'avais recu mon remboursement


Mais bon vivement avoir sa carte nominative

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Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous faire rembourser la TVA chez Travelex?


Pour récupérer votre argent, c'est simple !



Faites votre shopping à Paris, et au moment de passer en caisse, n'oubliez pas de demander votre bordereau de détaxe et votre remboursement en espèces pour obtenir votre argent immédiatement avant votre départ dans une agence Travelex.


Ainsi, avant de quitter l'Union Européenne, vous devrez présenter vos achats, reçus et passeport au bureau des Douanes à l'aéroport pour qu'ils tamponnent votre bordereau détaxe. Sans tampon des douanes, le bordereau ne sera pas valable.


Il vous suffira ensuite de présenter votre bordereau tamponné à un bureau Travelex à l'aéroport pour obtenir votre remboursement détaxe.




Conseils utiles pour obtenir votre remboursement détaxe en espèces aux aéroports de Roissy Charles de Gaulle et d'Orly avec Travelex :


Les remboursements détaxe sont valables uniquement pour les non-résidents de l'Union Européenne

Vous devez avoir dépensé au minimum 175,01€ par bordereau par jour en France

Vous devez avoir coché « remboursement en espèces » sur le bordereau détaxe pour obtenir votre remboursement immédiatement avant votre départ

Vous avez 3 mois après la date d'achat de vos biens pour faire tamponner votre bordereau par les douanes et votre bordereau reste valable 3 mois après son émission

Tous les bordereaux doivent être remplis avec au minimum : 1. Prénom, Nom et signature 2. Adresse de résidence en dehors de l'Union Européenne 3. Numéro de Passeport 4. Tampon des douanes

Vous devez présenter votre passeport (ou carte en cours de validité) avec vos reçus de caisses, et vos bordereaux dans une agence Travelex pour obtenir votre remboursement détaxe

Les sociétés Tax Free Shopping peuvent prélever leur propre commission

Réduisez votre temps d'attente avec PABLO



Si le logo PABLO est inscrit sur votre bordereau détaxe, alors c'est encore plus simple ! Rendez-vous à une borne bleue Pablo avec votre bordereau dûment complété. Votre bordereau sera alors scanné et validé électroniquement. Vous n'avez plus besoin de passer par les douanes pour obtenir le tampon, et vous pouvez vous rendre directement dans une Travelex pour obtenir votre remboursement détaxe. Pour plus d'informations sur PABLO cliquez ici.


Attention, cette procédure peut prendre du temps. Nous vous conseillons d'arriver suffisamment en avance avant votre embarquement pour un voyage sans stress. Vous pouvez également obtenir votre remboursement détaxe après les portiques de sécurité, en zone de sécurité.


Si vous changez votre remboursement détaxe dans la devise de votre pays, vous ne paierez pas de commission !

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Tax Free Shopping FAQs


The Tax Free Shopping FAQ section answers most of your questions about Tax Free Shopping and Global Blue Card programme. If you cannot find the answer here or by using one of our tools to the right, you can contact us via our contact us forms



How do I get my tax refund using Global Blue Tax Free Shopping?

Follow three simple steps to save money while shopping abroad which you can find here


In which countries can I shop tax free through Global Blue?

Tax Free Shopping is available in the following countries:Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Uruguay. Please consult the Rules and Regulations of the country of purchase by clicking the links on our Tax Free Shopping map.


Can I shop tax free in Norway and Switzerland?

Yes. If you are not a resident of Norway, Sweden, Finland or Denmark you are eligible for refund from purchases made in Norway. Tax Free Form issued in Norway must be validated by a Global Blue Refund Office within 1 month following the date of purchase. For further information please consult the Rules and Regulations of Norway.


If you are not a resident of Switzerland you are eligible for refund from purchases made in Switzerland. Tax Free Form issued in Switzerland must be validated by Customs within 30 days following the date of purchase. For further information please consult the Rules and Regulations of Switzerland.


What are the rules of Tax Free Shopping?

Each country has its own specific rules for reclaiming VAT on shopping purchases. Please see regulations according to the country of your purchase by clicking the links on our Tax Free Shopping map.


Does Tax Free Shopping apply for services (hotel stay, restaurant bills, etc.)?

No. Services, although taxable, are not eligible for VAT refunds through Global Blue. There are other companies that deal with reclaim of business taxes, which allows reclaiming tax on car hire, restaurant and hotel bills etc.


Does Tax Free Shopping apply to goods that are shipped, sent by courier or bought on the Internet?

No. In general, Global Blue Tax Free Shopping only applies to goods that are bought at affiliated stores and exported in your luggage. Please consult the Rules and Regulations to see in which countries the shipping is allowed by clicking the links on our Tax Free Shopping map.


Can I use the purchased goods before export?

No. Goods purchased must be available to Customs in the original package. Otherwise they can refuse to stamp your Tax Free Form.


How do I fill in my Tax Free Form?

Ask for the Tax Free Form from the retailer at the time of purchase. There are two types of Tax Free Forms: one blue, one white. Fill in all the required fields in block letters, using the Latin alphabet.

How to fill in a Tax Free Form

1. Write your passport number.

2. Write your full name (first name and family name).

3. Enter your complete address.

4. Write your post code and city of residence.

5. Write your country.

6. Write your e-mail address. It may simplify future communication with Global Blue.

Remember to sign the form. Please make sure your personal details are filled in correctly before you arrive at the airport. Incomplete Form = No Refund.


I am resident in a territory that is outside EU VAT regime and therefore I am eligible for VAT refund from EU countries. What should I do to have my Tax Free From processed?

If you are resident in one of the following territories: Agio Oros/Mount Athos (Greece), Busingen (Germany), Campione d'Italia (Italy), Canary Islands (Spain), Ceuta (Spain), Gibraltar (UK), Channel Islands-Jersey & Guernse (UK), Heligoland (Germany), Livigno (Italy), Melilla (Spain) Faroe Islands (Denmark), Greenland (Denmark), Netherlands Antilles, Andorra (Spain), San Marino (Italy), Vatican State (Italy), Liechtenstein, French Oversea Territories ( French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Mayotte Island) please, make sure the name of the territory is indicated in your Tax Free Form under address and follow the local rules of Tax Free Shopping.


How do I obtain an export validation?

When you are leaving the country to head home or to continue your journey, take your purchases, receipt and passport to the Customs desk* to get your Tax Free Form validated. Make sure the goods are unused. Don’t pack away your purchases in your check-in luggage as you will need to show them to the Customs Officer. Please allow enough time for the refund process before your flight departs.

* Remember: No Customs Stamp = No Refund

** For purchases bought in Norway the export validation is to be obtained from the agents at Global Blue Customer Service Centres. If you leave the European Union by train or by car, your Tax Free Form must be validated at your final point of departure from EU.


What if I leave the EU through another member state (connecting/transit flight)?

If you are travelling on to another EU country, for goods in hold baggage get the export validation on your Tax Free Form at the airport where you check in and for goods in hand baggage at your final point of departure from EU.


Remember: No Customs Stamp = No Refund


How do I receive the refund if I didn’t manage to receive an export validation on my Tax Free Form?

Obtaining an export validation is one of the main conditions of Tax Free Shopping. It proves that the purchased goods were exported from the country of purchase to your home country. However, rules and regulations in some countries offer the possibility to obtain an additional export validation.


●For Tax Free Form issued in an EU country, it is necessary to go through an EU Customs again, re-export the goods and obtain an EU Customs stamp within the requested time limit.

●For Tax Free Form issued in any other country, it is required to obtain the export validation as indicated in Rules and Regulations of the country of purchase.


How do I calculate my refund?

The VAT (or GST in some countries) is a percentage added on top of list prices. For example: if the VAT rate is 20% and a dress is displayed at €100, including VAT, the VAT amounts to €16.50. (Dress price: €83.5 + 20% VAT = €100.) The refund amount will thus be €16.50, minus a service fee.

If you would like to know how much you are getting back for your purchase, consult the Refund Calculator on our website.


Why was a currency conversion fee applied to my refund?

If you received the refund by sending the Tax Free Form to Global Blue, and your local currency is different than the currency in which the Tax Free Form had been issued, the current "we sell" rate of a recognized European retail Bank, plus 3-5%, will be applied for the currency conversion.

For the refund to credit card, your account will always be credited in your local currency; or in the currency in which the credit card was issued. Please refer to the article REFUND RULES on your Tax Free Form.


Can I change my refund option?

Yes. If you have already submitted your Tax Free Form to Global Blue Processing Centre but it has not yet been processed, it is still possible to change the option you originally chose. If you have such query, please contact the Global Blue Customer service Centre using the Contact Us Form.


In which currency can I get cash at the Refund Office?

An Immediate Refund will always be paid in the currency of the country where the Refund Office is located. Alternatively, if a different currency is selected, the current ”we buy” rate of a recognized Bureau de Change at the same location as where the refund is presented will be applied for the currency conversion.

Global Blue reserves the right of choosing the appropriate refund method in exceptional cases at its reasonable discretion.


I want to receive the refund to my credit card. Does it have to be the same credit card that I used for paying in the shop?

No. You can receive the refund on a different credit card as well (you don’t need to be the holder). The credit card account will always be credited in the currency in which the credit card was issued. If the currency of your credit card is not recognized, the amount will be credited in US Dollars.


How do I get cash at the airport?

Go to a Refund Office displaying the Global Blue logo. Present your export validated, completed Tax Free Forms, shop receipts and your passport to receive your refund in cash or to your credit card. Please observe that at some Refund Offices a cash handling fee per “Form” will be charged should you require an Immediate Refund in cash.


Please find the closest Refund Office here.

If you are in a rush, mail your export validated, completed Tax Free Forms back to Global Blue using the prepaid envelope and receive your refund to your credit card, bank account or bank cheque as specified on your Tax Free Form.


Can I authorize a 3rd party to cash my refund at Refund Office?

Yes. The 3rd party must present the original Tax Free Form, their own passport, a copy of the buyer´s passport and duly filled-in Proxy signed by the buyer. Please note that the Refund Office reserves the right not to pay the refund to a 3rd party.

Proxy can be downloaded here.


How to cash the bank cheque?

The international bank cheque is issued with the clause ”account payee only”, which means that it must be presented to your bank and deposited with your personal bank account. Global Blue bank cheques do not state any expiry date. The validity of the bank cheque may vary depending on the bank and the country where the cheque is deposited. Please note that any bank fees or minimum deposit amount for cashing our cheques are decided by your bank and are beyond our sphere of influence.


What can I do if the bank cheque I received from your company is not valid for refunding or has expired?

Please return the bank cheque to the postal address* stated below along with the filled-in letter "Reissue Request"


For standard and registered mail:

Global Blue

P.O.BOX 363

810 00 Bratislava




For courier:

Global Blue

Prievozska 4D/Block E

821 09 Bratislava




*We recommend you to use registered mail in order to reduce the possibility of loss of documents in postal system.


How can I get my refund back?

Global Blue offers a wide range of refund options:

(a) Refund in cash or to credit card at one of the Refund Offices located at major airports or by sending completed* Tax Free Form to Global Blue:

(b) Refund to credit card (Visa, Master Card, Amex, Diners, JCB and CUP)

© To a bank account:

●To € bank account issued in Eurozone for Tax Free Forms issued in Eurozone.

●To bank account issued in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and UK. Please note that the country of purchase and issuing country of bank account must match.

(d) Refund to Alipay – ZhiFuBao (available for Chinese customers).

(e) Bank cheque sent to your home address

*How to fill in a Tax Free Form


Where to send my Tax Free Form?

You can send your Tax Free Forms using the prepaid envelope available at all affiliated stores. We recommend using safer mail service, e.g. registered mail.

In case you have lost the prepaid envelope, please use an ordinary envelope for sending your Tax Free Form to our Processing Centre:


For standard and registered mail:

Global Blue

P.O.BOX 363

810 00 Bratislava




For courier

Global Blue

Prievozska 4D/Block E

821 09 Bratislava




You have to make sure that your Tax Free Form is export validated by the Customs and your Tax Free Form is completed with all personal information, and that all necessary documents as stated in Rules and Regulations of the country of your purchase are enclosed. It is recommended that you make a photocopy of your Tax Free Form, or to note the ID of the Tax Free Form (“DOC ID”) for your future reference.


When will I receive my refund?

Refunds are processed within following time limits:

●5 working days applies to refunds processed at Refund Office and paid to a credit card.●For Tax Free Form sent to Global Blue the following applies:

●21 calendar days* for refunds paid to a credit card, bank account or bank cheque

●10 calendar days* for refunds to an Alipay account

* from receipt of Tax Free Form by mail


I paid for my purchases by credit card. Will my credit card information be automatically registered on the Tax Free Form?

No. The credit card you used in the shop is not automatically registered. Please write your credit card number to the appropriate section on your Tax Free Form.


What information do I need for being able to track my refund?

For tracking your refund you always need: (i) ID of the Tax Free Form (“DOC ID”) which you can find under the barcode of your Tax Free Form

(ii) Country of purchase

(iii) Name of the buyer

(iv) Credit card number

For tracking you refund online via the Refund Tracker, you need the ID of the Tax Free Form (“DOC ID”) which you can find under the barcode of your Tax Free Form, and the Country of purchase.


How do I track my refund?

Once you submitted your Tax Free Form stamped by Customs, the status of your refund can be easily tracked online via the Refund Tracker on our website. You need the ID of the Tax Free Form (“DOC ID”) which you can find under the barcode of your Tax Free Form, and the Country of purchase.

For this purpose, it is recommended to make a photocopy of your Global Blue Form, or to note the ID of the Tax Free Form (“DOC ID”).


Why was my credit card debited?

You probably opted for Early Refund, and received your refund before exporting the goods outside the country of purchase. In this case you were obliged to get your Tax Free Form export validated and delivered to Global Blue within 21 days.

The refund will be paid back to your credit card if Global Blue receives your export validated Tax Free Form within its validity. Please be informed the penalty fee (x%) was applied and cannot be paid back.

Please be aware that the penalty fee will be applied to cover additional administration. Please refer to the terms and conditions on the Traveller Declaration that you received and signed at the Refund Office.


How can I track the refund payment on my bank statement?

Your refund payment appears as “Global Blue Tax Free” or “Tax Free shopping” on your statement. The processing time of credit card companies or banks is excluded. In case you have already received a confirmation of your refund payment from Customer Service and you are still unable to track your refund we advise you to contact your bank for further information on the refund payment.


In which currency will I receive the refund if I chose credit card as the refund option?

The credit card account will always be credited in the currency in which the credit card was issued. If the currency of your credit card is not recognized, the amount will be credited in US Dollars.


In which currency will my bank cheque be issued?

Global Blue can issue bank cheques in the following currencies: EUR, CAD, DKK, USD, HKD, JPY, GBP, and CHF.

The currency of your bank cheque is determined by your residence country. Residents of countries where local currencies are supported will receive bank cheques issued in their local currency; unless a different currency is preferred. Residents of countries where the currency is not supported will receive bank cheques issued in US Dollars.


What is DOC ID number and where can I find it?

Doc ID number is an identification number of a Tax Free Shopping transaction. It is an unique number composed of 20 or 16 digits. It can be found under the barcode of a Tax Free Form.


What is the Global Blue Card programme?

Full FAQs about the Global Blue Card are available here.


To become a Global Blue Card holder enrol online.


What should I do if I have issues with Global Blue mobile application/ Global Blue website?

Please contact our Customer Service at for further assistance.

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Tax Free Shopping in France





Look for stores displaying Global Blue Tax Free Shopping signage in the window.


When paying for your purchases ask the shop staff for a Tax Free Form.

Tax Free Forms are available in two versions, one blue and one white. Fill in all the required fields in block letters, using the Latin alphabet.


Remember: Incomplete Tax Free Form = No refund




At the airport please allow enough time for the refund process before your flight departs.


Before you check in for your flight, go to the Customs desk and present your completed Tax Free Form, passport and purchases to get an export validation on your form.


In case you have the Tax Free Form displaying Pablo logo, go to the Pablo kiosk next to the Customs desk and scan your Tax Free Form to get an export validation.

If the Tax Free Form is validated (ok- message on the screen) you can check-in and go to the refund office; if not (warning message on the screen) go to the Customs desk for the validation.


Make sure the goods are sealed and unused. Don’t pack them away in your check-in luggage as you will have to show them to the Customs Officer.


Remember: No Customs Stamp = No Refund



To get your refund it is necessary to submit Tax Free Form (ink stamped or Pablo validated) to Global Blue.


Go to a Refund office displaying the Global Blue logo.


Present completed Tax Free Forms to receive the refund in cash or to a credit card.


In a rush? Mail your completed Tax Free Forms with export validation to the address of the Processing Centre and receive your refund on your credit card.


Please observe that at some airports a cash handling fee per "Form" will be charged should you require an Immediate Refund in cash.


If Pablo validated Tax Free Form was collected by the French Customs, please contact us in order to claim your refund.


NB: The refund you receive is the VAT minus Global Blue’s service fee.



Shoppers eligible for Tax Free Shopping

●If you have a permanent residence in a non-EU country.

●If you are older than 15 years.


VAT Rate

Standard rate: 20 %

Pharmacy goods 10 %

Food, books: 5,5 %

Reduced rate for certain products and services: 2,1 %

Minimum purchase amount

175.01 EUR


Tax Free goods

Refunds are paid on all goods that are exported in the traveller’s personal luggage.

●Maximum 50 pieces of the same (identical) item

●Non-refundable goods:



●Cars and car parts


●Cultural relics older than 50 years

●Postal stamps


Tax Free Form

●The Form with ink Customs stamp is valid for 6 months following the date of purchase.

●The Pablo validated Form has an unlimited validity.

●An export validation must be obtained within 3 months following the month when the Form was issued.

●We accept the original ‘retailer's copy’ or ‘buyer's copy’ for tax refunds.



●The post delivery is free of charge from all the world if you use the Global Blue prepaid envelope provided by the shop. Note that it is sent by regular post.

●If you have not received the prepaid envelope you can use a standard envelope (at your expense)

●In order to prevent a possible loss of the documents, we recommend you to use secured mail service (e.g. registered mail or courier- at your expense)

●Before sending the documents, please make a copy of them or write down Tax Free Form number (DOC ID) of each Form for your reference.

●In order to assure smooth processing of your refund send us just Tax Fee Forms filled in completely and correctly


How to fill in Tax Free Form


Address of Processing Centre

●Tax Free Forms are processed in Global Blue Slovakia.

Please send the valid, duly filled in and export verified Tax Free Form to the following address


For standard and registered mail:

Global Blue

P.O.BOX 363

810 00 Bratislava



For courier:

Global Blue

Prievozska 4D/Block E

821 09 Bratislava




Contact us

In case of any other questions contact us:

For frequently asked questions visit:

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L'éligibilité de la détaxe Pablo (législation Pablo)

Un touriste non résident de l'Union Européenne ou résident d'un état tiers de passage en France peut bénéficier de la détaxe de la TVA du montant des achats des marchandises achetées dans certaines conditions. Il lui suffit pour cela d'effectuer un achat de marchandises réglementées d'un montant supérieur à 175 euros. A la sortie de l'UE, l'exonération de TVA dont bénéficie le vendeur doit être accordé par le bureau de douane sous la forme d'un visa selon 2 types de procédures: le visa par un cachet des douanes ou le visa électronique dans le cadre de la réglementation Pablo. Lors de l'achat, le vendeur délivre un bordereau de vente à l'exportation qui devra être signé par le vendeur et par le touriste. Sur ce bordereau, un code barre et le logo de la réglementation Pablo apparaissent. Le code barre sera lu par une borne optique située à proximité du poste douanier au moment de l'enregistrement des bagages et les informations concernant l'apurement des opérations seront transmises par internet à l'opérateur de détaxe concerné qui se chargera du remboursement de la TVA acquittée par l'acheteur ultérieurement.

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  • 8 years later...

Bonjour, je profite de cette page pour venir vous poser une question à mon tour.

Si j'ai bien compris, le bordereau de vente BVE qui ouvre droit à la détaxe est nominatif.

J'aimerai savoir si dans le cas où une personne résidante en France effectue  des achats et une autre personne ne résidant pas en France s'occupe de faire passer ces mêmes achats à l'aéroport est ce que cette dernière personne peut récupérer la détaxe sachant que son nom et le nom mentionné dans le bordereau n'est pas le même ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/24/2023 at 2:44 PM, Khaled 24 said:

Bonjour, je profite de cette page pour venir vous poser une question à mon tour.

Si j'ai bien compris, le bordereau de vente BVE qui ouvre droit à la détaxe est nominatif.

J'aimerai savoir si dans le cas où une personne résidante en France effectue  des achats et une autre personne ne résidant pas en France s'occupe de faire passer ces mêmes achats à l'aéroport est ce que cette dernière personne peut récupérer la détaxe sachant que son nom et le nom mentionné dans le bordereau n'est pas le même ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Salem @Khaled 24 j ai deja essayé sa a pas trop marcher ils ont refuser.

mais tu eux tenter ta chance 🙂

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  • Messages

    • Salut, ton vendeur t'a fournit un fichier m3u ou une url m3u compatible EPG et replay? Dans le 2eme cas essaye d'ajouter ceci (sans espaces) à la suite de  l'url (après &output=ts): &prev_days=14&next_days=5 Dans cette syntaxe : prev_days= nombre de jours pour conserver les données pour le replay. next_days= nombre de jours pour afficher l'EPG Si ça ne fonctionne pas essaye avec un autre lecteur iptv comme GSE Smart IPTV ou Smart IPTV,  
    • salut j'ai également une tv samsung sous tizen, j'utilises iptv smarters pro , mais avec mon abo king j'ai pas le replay , alors que sur une autre tv android la meme appli , j'ai le replay ! .. dnc je soupçonnes iptv smarters sur tizen une solution ? qlq a tester cette app nanomid ? merci
    • salam zaàma c'est possible d'échanger son ancien modem avec un nouveau wifi6 ??!! ... si qlq l'a déja fait , qu'il nous montre comment , je suis preneur !
    • Grâce au service de sauvegarde en ligne BackBlaze qui utilise plus de 12 000 disques Seagate, 12 000 disques Hitachi et 2838 Western Digital, il est possible de savoir quelles sont les marques de disques qui sont le moins fiable .. et les plus fiables. Et donc le champion (c’est péjoratif) en termes de failles de disque dur est … Seagate, suivi de Western Digital avec comme meilleure marque : Hitachi. La marque la plus costaud chez Backblaze c’est donc Hitachi. Pour suivre la même tendance, voici le graphique avec le taux de survie des disques au cours du temps .. et attention les yeux c’est désastreux chez Seagate:  
    • Au fait j’avais 300 da de bonus qui ne sont pas pris en compte pour le forfait j’ai dû vérifier ça avec le *710#
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